Friday, August 15, 2014

There is Light at the End of the Tunnel

If you think this situation you are in will never end, I can say with assurance, it will end.  So often we get caught up in the merry-go-round of life that we think there is no hope.  But there is a time coming when it will be different.  We all feel the stress of busy lives, but children do grow up, the life cycle continues on and we adapt.  This may not be the answer you need right now, but hang on.

There is no doubt in my mind that rearing children to become self sufficient adults is the most demanding job a mother can have.  Make that more than one child and the difficulties become exponentially.  Add a job outside the home for the mother and it can seem overwhelming.  I have been there and it is possible to think you cannot last another day.  When you are ready to give up, throw in the towel and enjoy the biggest pity party of all, stop, go to the bathroom, and wash your hands.  This may not seem like the best solution, but it will take you away from the battle and give you a moment to gather yourself and regroup.

In those few moments alone, try to remember:  1.  You have made it to this point.  2.  You can take one more day.  3.All the things you love, appreciate and are thankful for in your life.  Now force yourself to vocalize this last step.  Trust me, it will give you a new perspective as you leave the bathroom.  The situation will not necessarily change, but you will have the strength to go on.

Now here is how I know it works. 
Once when I was depressed and having a royal pity party, I asked my husband how he kept from feeling sorry for himself.  He told me he tried to maintain a thankful heart.  Since I evidently did not have one, I started praying that the Lord would give me a thankful heart.  I did this for almost a year when one Sunday my daughter, at age 5, set the downstairs bathroom on fire with a candle.  My husband put out the fire with water from the toilet and faucet but not before it had scorched the wall, ceiling, towel bar and floor. 

As I was mopping up the floor on my hands and knees, I started thanking God out loud for saving my house, saving my family, etc. etc.  I didn't even realize what I was doing until I stopped mopping.  When I realized how I had been praying, the Lord reminded me I had asked for a thankful heart.  I can honestly say that from that point God changed my attitude about all my circumstances.  While the journey has not always been easy, I have resisted the urge to complaine.  And many times since I have found myself doing the same thing I did that day in the bathroom.  It just gushes out as part of my inner self.  My last post was about our special dog dying. As we got in the car after putting Kasey down, I started thanking God out loud for letting us have her for 9 years, for healing her 4 years ago and giving us those extra years, for making her such a fun and loving pet, for healing our broken hearts, etc.  I did this all the way home.  It came as natural as talking about the weather.  While I miss her, God used my own words to comfort and encourage me.

Beth Moore, the author and Bible teacher once said when someone asked her how she learned to love God's Word so much and her answer was that she had asked the Lord for just that.  I know I got a thankful heart because I asked for it. And you can have one, too.
Yes, life can bring its challenging and difficult moments, but a thankful heart and an attitude of gratefulness can go a long way in making those moments endurable if not better.  Try it.

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