Friday, August 15, 2014

There is Light at the End of the Tunnel

If you think this situation you are in will never end, I can say with assurance, it will end.  So often we get caught up in the merry-go-round of life that we think there is no hope.  But there is a time coming when it will be different.  We all feel the stress of busy lives, but children do grow up, the life cycle continues on and we adapt.  This may not be the answer you need right now, but hang on.

There is no doubt in my mind that rearing children to become self sufficient adults is the most demanding job a mother can have.  Make that more than one child and the difficulties become exponentially.  Add a job outside the home for the mother and it can seem overwhelming.  I have been there and it is possible to think you cannot last another day.  When you are ready to give up, throw in the towel and enjoy the biggest pity party of all, stop, go to the bathroom, and wash your hands.  This may not seem like the best solution, but it will take you away from the battle and give you a moment to gather yourself and regroup.

In those few moments alone, try to remember:  1.  You have made it to this point.  2.  You can take one more day.  3.All the things you love, appreciate and are thankful for in your life.  Now force yourself to vocalize this last step.  Trust me, it will give you a new perspective as you leave the bathroom.  The situation will not necessarily change, but you will have the strength to go on.

Now here is how I know it works. 
Once when I was depressed and having a royal pity party, I asked my husband how he kept from feeling sorry for himself.  He told me he tried to maintain a thankful heart.  Since I evidently did not have one, I started praying that the Lord would give me a thankful heart.  I did this for almost a year when one Sunday my daughter, at age 5, set the downstairs bathroom on fire with a candle.  My husband put out the fire with water from the toilet and faucet but not before it had scorched the wall, ceiling, towel bar and floor. 

As I was mopping up the floor on my hands and knees, I started thanking God out loud for saving my house, saving my family, etc. etc.  I didn't even realize what I was doing until I stopped mopping.  When I realized how I had been praying, the Lord reminded me I had asked for a thankful heart.  I can honestly say that from that point God changed my attitude about all my circumstances.  While the journey has not always been easy, I have resisted the urge to complaine.  And many times since I have found myself doing the same thing I did that day in the bathroom.  It just gushes out as part of my inner self.  My last post was about our special dog dying. As we got in the car after putting Kasey down, I started thanking God out loud for letting us have her for 9 years, for healing her 4 years ago and giving us those extra years, for making her such a fun and loving pet, for healing our broken hearts, etc.  I did this all the way home.  It came as natural as talking about the weather.  While I miss her, God used my own words to comfort and encourage me.

Beth Moore, the author and Bible teacher once said when someone asked her how she learned to love God's Word so much and her answer was that she had asked the Lord for just that.  I know I got a thankful heart because I asked for it. And you can have one, too.
Yes, life can bring its challenging and difficult moments, but a thankful heart and an attitude of gratefulness can go a long way in making those moments endurable if not better.  Try it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Loss of a Special Dog

In July of 2013 I posted the story of the miracle  healing of Kasey, our border collie.  Her miracle was documented as such by her veterinarian and it became a permanent part of her health record as well as a testimony to all at the clinic.  She had been diagnosed with 8 weeks to live in August of 2010 but without any treatment survived and lived a healthy life until today.  In May of this year another inoperable tumor appeared near the site of the first one.  Since there were no advisable treatments, we could only trust God to have his way again with her and us.

We wanted God to either heal Kasey, take her quickly without suffering, or let us know without a doubt when it was time to put her down.  Tonight about 5:15 she was outside with Eddie and began bleeding from her right nostril.  When we realized we couldn't get it to stop, we called her vet at 5:25 as they were closing and they referred us to the emergency clinic. By the time we got her to the car she was so weak she stopped to lay down in the yard.  At the clinic, a precious doctor told us her tumor was bleeding and even if we temporarily stopped it with guaze and treatment, it would continue to bleed internally unless the tumor was removed.  He agreed with other veterinarians that such a surgery was impossible.  He said the kindest thing was to have her put down before she suffered more.  We did. We will have her creamated and bring her ashes here to bury in the back yard. 
To say we are heartbroken after having her as a part of our lives for almost 9 years is an understatement.  She was a constant companion to this retired couple who spent lots of time at home with her.  She was an integral part of each day and it will be so hard to go on without her.  We are thankful to the Lord for the extra three and a half years he gave us after the first cancer, that he made it crystal clear to us when it was time for her to go, and that we have such good memories of her.  She was a very special dog in so many ways.  She left a legacy of the grace, miracle healing and the mercy of the Lord.  Not many animals have that.  In "Heaven is for Real" the boy tells of seeing dogs in heaven.  We know Kasey would qualify.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Clean Up Your Paper Files!

Yikes, it has been a while since I posted here!   I have, however, been thinking that this would be a good time to pass on what I have learned about keeping necessary papers.  The chart below is one I compiled after searching several accounting sites and the IRS web page.  These are recommendations only and of course you should seek out professional help when in doubt.

That said, you need very few paper documents as almost all financial transactions are now stored in cyberspace and can be accessed by the institutions quickly.  I will share one personal account.  In October of 2007, I purchased a built in microwave to replace our 9 year old model that died.  I charged it to my MasterCard at Lowe's and in the process of installation, lost the receipt.  Of course Murphy's Law lives at our house and the microwave broke after 10 months--less than the year warranty.  A call to Lowe's with the model number of the unit and my personal information was all they needed to locate the receipt, make a copy and mail it to me.  This provided the proof needed to have the repair covered by the warranty. 

 Retention Guidelines for Keeping Important Papers

(With accompanying documentation of receipts, etc.)
Records for tax deductions taken
Three to Seven years
The IRS has three years from your filing date to audit your return.
The three-year deadline also applies if you discover a mistake in your return and decide to file an amended return to claim a refund.
The IRS has six years to challenge your return if it thinks you under reported your gross income by 25 percent or more.
There is no time limit if you failed to file your return or filed a fraudulent return.
IRA contribution records
If you made a nondeductible contribution to an IRA, keep the records indefinitely to prove that you already paid tax on this money when the time comes to withdraw
Retirement/savings plan statements
From one year to permanently
Keep the quarterly statements from your 401(k) or other plans until you receive the annual summary; if everything matches up, then shred the quarterlies.
Keep the annual summaries until you retire or close the account.
Bank records and
From one year to permanently
Go through your records each year and keep only those related to your taxes, business expenses, home improvements and mortgage payments.
Shred monthly statements and keep end of year summaries.
Brokerage statements
Until you sell the securities
You need only the purchase or sales statements from your brokerage or mutual fund to prove whether you have capital gains or losses at tax time.  Shred other monthly statements.
From one year to permanently
Go through your bills/receipts statements once a year.
In most cases, when the canceled check from a paid bill has been returned or statement is reconciled, you can shred the statement.  Keep only those related to tax deductions.
Records for big purchases -- such as jewelry, rugs, appliances, antiques, cars, collectibles, furniture, computers, etc. -- should be kept in an insurance file for proof of their value.
Credit card receipts and statements
From 45 days to seven years
Keep your original receipts until you get your monthly statement; shred the receipts if the two match up.
Keep the statements for seven years only if needed for tax-related documentation.


Paycheck stubs
One year
When you receive your annual W-2 form from your employer, make sure the information on your stubs matches.
If it matches, shred all but then end of the year stubs.
If it doesn't, demand a corrected form, known as a W-2c.
House/condominium records
From six years to permanently
Keep all records documenting the purchase price and the cost of all permanent improvements -- such as remodeling, additions and installations.
Keep records of expenses incurred in selling and buying the property, such as legal fees and your real estate agent's commission, for six years after you sell your home.
Legal Records
Medical History
Medical Insurance, Medical Records
Keep insurance records as long as premiums are paid and claims resolved.
Outstanding claims records should be kept until resolved.
Records documenting tax deductions should be kept with the tax returns.


Source:   These are guidelines only.  For more information, consult an accountant or the IRS at: